Crom Carmichael on White Supremacy as America’s Greatest Threat and the Democrats’ Lust for Power at All Cost


Live from Music Row Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – guest host Ben Cunningham welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio who weighed in on Joe Biden’s claim that white supremacy is America’s greatest threat and a myriad of Democrat Party power plays.

Cunningham: And joining us in the studio this morning, Grant Henry with Americans for Prosperity. Grant, thank you again this morning for driving up from beautiful Spring Hill, where you kind of have a new battery plant down there? General Motors?

Henry: All kinds of things going on through there in the Columbia area. It’s the up-and-coming site in Galeton.

Cunningham: I drive every day. We’re talking about Facebook. I drive by the construction entrance to the billion-dollar Facebook data Center in Gallatin when I’m going to take my walks.

Christina Botteri, the Chief Technology Officer of Star Media in from California, to join us in the studio. Christina, thanks so much for coming in this morning so early. I appreciate it. And the original All-Star panelist, Mr. Crom Carmichael. And Crom, we have got the question of the day for you. Are you ready for the question of the day?

Carmichael: Okay.

Cunningham: Is white supremacy the major threat to the United States of America, above China, Russia, Al Qaeda, you name it. White supremacy is the greatest threat, our President just told us. Is that true Crom? (Laughs) Think about it.

Carmichael: Well, I’m having a hard time identifying the name of a white supremacy group that is burning down buildings and mostly peacefully protesting.

Cunningham: Yeah.

Carmichael: I’m having a hard time finding that.

Cunningham: Peacefully jumping on top of police cars.

Botteri: I think you’re talking about Antifa, right? (Chuckles)

Carmichael: That would be Antifa. And they are not a white supremacy group. Neither is Black Lives Matter. And that is another protesting group that’s mostly peaceful. The only thing that I can say is they generally need to have lots of fires going on around them.

Cunnigham: To warm them?

Carmichael: So they can see. They don’t want to be blinded by darkness.

Cunnigham: The illumination.

Carmichael: They illuminate the landscape by setting things on fire.

Cunningham: But really, seriously, how depressing is that our President of the United States just elected, recently and talked about unity and he takes every opportunity he can to split us apart and to create this Marxist class separation between the virtuous victims and the evil oppressors. It’s depressing.

Carmichael: There are so many other things that are similar that are going on in California. The House passed a bill called the Equity Act in California.

Cunningham: That sounds ominous.

Carmichael: The Senate has not passed it, but in California, they have passed it. And what they’re doing in California under the Equity Act is they are transferring transgender prisoners who are formerly men who now claim to be women.

They are now transferring them to women’s prisons even if they have not done anything to transform themselves, including even taking hormone pills. If the men simply claim to feel like a woman, they are being transferred.

Some of them are as tall as 6’5 and weigh 300 pounds. They’re being put in rooms with female prisoners with eight in a room. And they are confined in there together 24 hours a day.

Cunningham: How did we get this far? This insanity.

Carmichael: But they’re no feminists.

Cunningham: Grant was just making the where are the feminists defending the women? And what we now know is that the feminist organizations, the way old ones actually did care about women.

The newer ones in the last 10 to 15 years care only about liberal far-left policy. They don’t care about women at all. They just care about far-left policy.

Cunningham: How can you be a person and deal with that kind of cognitive distance within your own mind and believe two separate things at the same time.

Carmichael: It’s not difficult at all. If what you lust for is power, if that’s your primary objective, then whatever it takes to get power is what you should do. And that is the nature of the left.

I’ve said since Michael started having me on the show that the Democrat Party is the party of government. That’s all it is. Plain and simple. Anything that expands government is good.

Anything that shrinks government is bad, period. And anything that expands unions is good. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but unions now currently are taking 11 million dollars a year in dues and those are compulsory dues.

And under the ProAct, which is the Labor Union Expansion Act, which is also past the House, it would go up to 20 billion dollars a year. 20 billion dollars a year.

Cunningham: And most of that recycles back to Democrats.

Carmichael: 99 percent. 99 percent.

Cunningham: 99 percent.

Carmichael: 99 percent of all political contributions made by unions. There are many other contributions that unions make to the Democrat Party that are not financial, that are simply time.

In fact, that might even be stronger and more politically powerful is that they employ tens of thousands of people at the local, state and national level to advance the Democrat Party agenda.

And that’s why Nancy Pelosi can pick up the phone and call the heads of five unions. I call them the five families. And call them and say this particular Democrat in the House is getting out of line.

I want them primaried and beaten in the next election. And that’s why Nancy Pelosi can treat her Democrat Party members more or less as indentured servants. One might even call them slaves.

Cunningham: It’s like an on-call hitman ready to take out your enemies.

Carmichael: Or compliant. Whatever you want to call it. They’re just compliant.

Cunningham: And what’s scary to me is that the unions are getting even bolder in their far-left policy.

Carmichael: This is government unions. We need to separate because the private sector unions to the extent they still exist, and they’re not that many of them.

Cunningham: No. It’s like eight percent now?

Carmichael: What I’m trying to get at is in the old days, the automobile unions ran the factories. They literally ran the factories. If management came up with a better way to build a car and if the union didn’t agree with it, it did not get implemented, period.

Well, once all of the car manufacturers went bankrupt, the unions gave up that privilege. They gave up running the factory floors. Now they still negotiate on behalf of all workers for the big three. The transplant companies are not unionized. For example, Nissan here in Smyrna is not unionized.

Cunningham: Right.

Carmichael: And so the private sector unions, they’re not terrible. In fact, many of them supported Trump or they support Republicans.

Cunningham: Absolutely.

Carmichael: Like the Teamsters, for example. They represent truckers. And then the Keystone Pipeline. Biden just snapped his finger in 11,000 union jobs disappeared. Those union jobs were worth over $80,000. each.

Henry: And that distinction is important there. It’s all about compulsory action. The ProAct you’re talking about. It would do away with right-to-work States and for listeners right now, a right-to-work state says if you want to join a union, fine.

But you can’t be compelled to do so at the condition of your employment. It’s a major distinction of the aspect of free choice, free will.

Cunningham: So this act would, in effect, nationalize the no right to work. You don’t have a right to refuse union membership.

Carmichael: That can only pass if 10 Republicans go along with it, and that’s not going to happen. And so there are certain acts in HR1 and S1 Senate bills. This is the one that they’ll essentially nationalize all election law and just ignore what the Constitution says. The Constitution is the document of convenience for the Democrats. That’s all it is.

Cunningham: If that.

Carmichael: They are perfectly happy to cite it when it’s convenient. When they don’t like it, then it’s inconvenient and they disregard it. But I don’t think the Democrats are going to be able to accomplish nearly as much as they would like to.

But this should be an eye-opener to everybody about what the Democrats would actually do if they had 51 senators. Here’s what they would do if they had the Senate and the House and the presidency. They would destroy the country as we know it.

Cunningham: That is their fervent wish to destroy the Republic.

Carmichael: And Republicans do a terrible job. I have to say this. Republicans do a terrible job of understanding the nature of the opposition and how to respond to it because they will not respond in kind. And I will tell you something. An armed Army facing an unarmed Army. I will go with the armed Army all the time.

Cunningham: Every time.

Carmichael: They will win.

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.










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